Pound-Maker COVID-19 Grain Delivery, Payment and Building Access Policies

There will be no public access to the Feedmill in order to protect the health of our employees, including the feeding team essential to our operations.

Persons delivering grain are to remain in their truck while it’s weighed and while sampling of the load is taking place. Following the completion of tare weight, a scale ticket will be provided through the window in the Feedmill.

We ask that anyone delivering grain respect social distancing guidelines in any interactions with the person sampling grain or working on related grain handling equipment outside of the Feedmill.

The Pound-Maker Main Office, Ethanol Plant and Shops are closed to walk-in traffic. All grain payments will be printed and mailed. If this change creates a challenge for you, please call the office and we will work with you to find an alternative that protects both our employees and your business.

Do not come to our facility if you have been out of the country within the last 14 days or feel unwell.

These new policies have been implemented to help ensure operations continue unimpeded for the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak. We thank you for your support of our efforts to minimize the impact this has on our business and yours.