Pound-Maker Corporate Information

Pound-Maker Investments Ltd. (PMI), formerly known as Pound-Maker Feeders Ltd., is the privately traded company comprised of more than 270 shareholders owning a total of 643,000 shares. These shareholders hold an average 2,552 shares each. There are 52% of the shares within a 20 mile radius of Pound-Maker, and an additional 28% between 20 and 50 miles of the feedlot. The remaining 20% covers every corner of Saskatchewan as well as most of Canada.

During 1990, prior to the feedlot expansion and the construction of the ethanol plant, Pound-Maker Investments Ltd. established a new entity, Pound-Maker Agventures Ltd. (PMA) with minority shareholders Saskatchewan Wheat Pool and Mohawk Oil. Since 2002, all of the shares of Pound-Maker Agventures Ltd. have been re-purchased by Pound-Maker Investments Ltd. Pound-Maker Agventures Ltd. is the operating company of both the feedlot and ethanol plant.

Recently, Pound-Maker Capital Corp. (PMCC) was created as a wholly owned company of Pound-Maker Investments. The purpose of Pound-Maker Capital Corp. is two-fold: firstly, it holds a minority interest in Pound-Maker Agventures, and secondly, and more importantly, it provides financing for Pound-Maker Agventures Ltd. feeding customers.

All of the Pound-Maker Companies are governed by a Board of Directors, consisting of 8 shareholders, elected by Pound-Maker Investments Ltd. at its annual meeting. It meets quarterly to discuss current performance, relevant issues and future strategies. Historically, the Board has focused primarily on growth, repayment of debt, and maintaining a strong equity position. Over time, the company has achieved its goal of providing market and employment opportunities for its stakeholders and the community. As a result of these strategies, much of the long term debt associated with our ethanol and feedlot expansions has been repaid.

As Pound-Maker looks forward, it will focus on a balanced approach achieving both corporate growth and a return to its shareholders; through dividends, the preferential opportunity to do business with the company, and increased share value.

Corporate Structure

Individual Shareholders

Board of Directors
8 members elected by shareholders

Pound-Maker Investments Ltd.
Agventures Ltd.
Capital Corp.


Board of Directors

Name, Address, Office Held       Director Since          End of
    Current Term   

Gil Assie
Saskatoon, SK
Director, Chair - Audit Committee

2021 2024

Blake Bergen
Drake, SK
Chairman & President of PMI

2010 2025

Kyle Bergen
Lanigan, SK

2016 2025

Darren Blair
Drake, SK

2009 2024

Sean Edwards
Nokomis, SK

2014 2026

Clinton Monchuk
Saskatoon, SK
Director & Chief Financial Officer of PMI

2017 2026

Todd Wildeman
Lanigan, SK
Director, Chair - Human Resources

2017 2026

Brad Wildeman
Lanigan, SK

 2016  2025